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Bad Week...

The last time we wrote it was Labor Day weekend. That was two weekends ago...

The Sunday of Labor Day weekend we ended up taking Bob (our cat) the the 24-hour animal hospital because she was breathing really fast and had no balance. She wouldn't lay down all the way, she kinda was avoiding her stomach touching the ground. Steve noticed that there was something wrong when she tried to jump on the back of the couch and fell. It caused us to really worry, so we took her to the hospital just to be safe.

The vet at the hospital said she was fine. She didn't see anything abnormal and she said to keep an eye on her. She said it was most likely a cold, so she prescribed some medicine that we had to give her twice a day.

We didn't see any improvement on Monday... or Tuesday... or Wednesday... or for the rest of the week. In fact, she seemed to just get progressively worse. We both had a lot going on and neither of us could take her to the vet until Friday.

Cathy had her first field trip to the North Carolina Legislative Building and the Capitol building in Raleigh on Thursday. She had fun and enjoyed seeing both places, but couldn't take off work.

Steve had important meetings and was not able to get out of work either. The soonest that we could get her in was Friday (the 7th). Steve took her in after work.

At this point, she was not able to even stand up and had NO balance. She was anti-social (very much the opposite of how she normally is) and she wasn't really able to chew. She could lick her food, but not actually chew. We knew there was something REALLY wrong when she refused to eat turkey... which is her all-time favorite thing to eat.

Bob was very weak and not even able to meow. She could still purr, but not meow... she was moaning all the time.

The vet told Steve that he couldn't diagnose anything without blood work, but it was most-likely a Potassium deficiency. He said that with medicine and special food, she'd be able to come through and live a healthy life.

We both kinda assumed that that was the problem. Never in a million years would we have imagined that she had something much worse.

On Monday, the vet called Steve to tell him that the blood work came back and it wasn't good. Instead of being a curable Potassium problem, she had an incurable disease... FIV which is basically the feline form of AIDS. He said that he'd support anything we decided to do, but we really needed to think about Bob's quality of life. Steve sent Cathy an email at work telling her the bad news... and then asked her what she wanted to do. She called him right away (her kids went to lunch)... and together we made the decision to put her down.

Cathy had a conference scheduled for 4:00 that she rescheduled, and came home right after school. We had the vet appointment for 5:00... and as soon as Cathy got home (4:20)... she went to find Bob. Bob was on the floor in our bathroom and was laying in the doorway. She was on her side... and Cathy layed down on the floor and cried and cried and cried. She pet Bobby and listened to her purr. Bob couldn't really move... she was somewhat paralyzed and confined to that spot. Cathy had about thirty minutes alone with Bob and she cried a lot and asked Bob to go on her own. She asked God to take Bob out of her misery and let her die on her own, rather than from something we did to her. Cathy couldn't imagine having to actually be there when the vet put her to sleep forever.

Steve called Cathy at 4:50 to tell her that he was running late and asked her to meet him at the vet. She gathered Bobby one last time and carried her limp body downstairs to her cat carrier. Cathy drove to the vet through tears... and when she got to the vet, Steve was just pulling in. Cathy opened the back door to the Escape and saw Bob's back leg bent (which was weird because she had been so stiff)... and it looked like she was trying to itch a spot on her neck. Cathy scratched the spot for her and Bob's eyes got really big... and then her whole body relaxed and she kinda moved positions.

Steve came to the car and took Bob. We went inside... and the tears started to flow even harder. Neither of us were ready to say goodbye to her. They let us have a minute with her, and as we opened the cat carried to get her out, Steve noticed that she didn't appear to be breathing. Her eyes were still big... but she wasn't breathing. The vet technician checked and said that she couldn't officially confirm anything, but she didn't appear to have a heart-beat. The vet came in and checked, and confirmed that she had in fact passed on.

It was so very sad... but Cathy was releived that she was able to go on her own. She was a great cat... the greatest that Cathy has ever known. Bob was her 21st birthday present and Cathy hand picked her from her litter. She drove home with her and Bob was snuggled up on her chest... and from that moment on they've been inseperable. When Cathy went through her divorce, her ex had all the animals for about a month. It was pure torture for Cathy to be going through the divorce, and not to have her cats. She was able to bring Bob and Haid to her apartment (Cu was her dog that her ex "had to have" and then later got rid of). Bob has been such a sweet kitty... and her life was cut short by a terrible disease. If you ever had the pleasure of meeting Bob... you know how cute she was and what a great personality she had. Cathy and Bob had a very special bond... they would have conversations together (weird right)... and Bob was always by Cathy's side. She would sleep on Cathy's head... right next to her pillow, and occasionally was known to actually eat Cathy's hair. Bob liked to beg for food while Cathy was eating... and Steve would get so mad whenever Cathy gave in. Bob was one of a kind... and missed so much more than words can express. There's a hole in our hearts that can't be filled.

To make things worse, the vet told us that FIV is transferrable through saliva. Our cats all share a feeder and water... and he was very concerned about the other five cats. We immediately began to worry about their lives. It was awful to lose Bob, but there's no way we could stand to lose all six of them.

Steve took Toebe and Tommy on Wednesday to be tested and we got a call Wednesday night saying that they both tested negative. On Friday, Steve took Mindy, Hurmin and Eddie in, and again, all three tested negative.

So the good news is that all five are okay... but we still lost our Bobby. We had her cremated, and Steve was able to bring her home on Friday. It's been an exhausting week of tears for both of us. Just been a really bad week.

Keep us in your prayers...
The Walkers

This is a slide show in memory of Bob... she was the best cat ever.

Labor Day Weekend

We are excited to have made it to Labor Day weekend. Hopefully the weather here will start to cool off now that we're in September.

Can you believe that we've been here almost 3 months already?

Cathy had her first parent-teacher conferences this last week. She has to schedule them herself on her own time (yes... very crappy), so she had some on Thursday. She didn't get home until after 7pm. I'm telling you... she's going to work herself to death. She's been going in at 7am and coming home at 7pm... she comes home, we eat and then we go to bed. It's starting to kill her. When she goes back on Tuesday she has more conferences on Tuesday (after her Homework Club that she does voluntairly) and then Wednesday and Thursday. She's a hard worker.

Things are going well at Burt's. Steve is happy still and taking each day as it comes. Like any job, he's realizing who to trust and who not to trust and he's learning the in's and out's of the job. He's happy to be there and have a challenge, but it's stressful when he can't completely do his job. He depends on others being on the same team as him when it comes to completing tasks... and for many "teammates" Steve's needs don't come as a priority. With time it'll all get worked out... but for now he gets to bang his head on the wall daily.

We went to a new place Friday night for dinner. There's a hole-in-the-wall place called Andy's (not Cathy's favorite name) that we went to in Holly Springs. They have a 50s diner theme and the best burgers and cheesesteaks! After eating dinner there we came home and watched some television.

This is the first Labor Day weekend that Cathy hasn't gone to St. Ignace/Mackinac Island in 20 years. Since she was 10 she and her family went up north to camp. She hasn't missed a year in 20 years... even when her parents drove her twin to Montana for college... she went up north for Labor Day weekend.

So to say she's depressed and sad, is a HUGE understatement. We decided that next year we're going to go up there no matter what we're doing here. So instead of spending this weekend going to the various sites in the UP and going to the Antler's, Soo Locks, Mackinac Island and camping... we're here doing nothing.


We'll write again soon.
The Walkers