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Another Week Goes By...

This week Cathy went back to work and we were both excited to see her find something to occupy her time! She was glad to get back into her normal routine. It's not good when she has too much time to sit and "think" about all that's going on with moving and whatnot.

Steve is still enjoying his job but has started to realize that there's a LOT for him to do, and only so many hours in the day to complete everything. He's a very driven and motivated person, so when he sees a task to be completed, he works until it's done. He's getting a little frustrated at BBI because he isn't able to find one or two small tasks to be done, he's finding HUGE projects on top of HUGE projects on top of HUGE projects. He's experienced a little bit of overwhelmingness this week.

Cathy had the best day teaching 4th grade this last week. She has really been able to connect with her class and will tell you that there isn't one child in her class that is a behavior problem. They all work well together and she really enjoys going into work each day. She has made some friends at school and it's made going to work each day delightful. She is MUCH happier at Oak Grove than she was at Childs. Even though she did have some great friends at Childs and Lincoln, she just didn't like how her principal ran things... (or didn't run things) and she really did not appreciate the things that some of her teammates did while being paid to teach. As Cathy says, "They wouldn't last ONE DAY down here."

On Friday Cathy got home and we headed into Fuquay for our cheap Mexican... delicious as always. Then we went to DQ for our dessert... we came home and watched some tv, but we were both so tired that we were in bed by 9:45. Yes... we're definitely getting old... Friday night and we're in bed before 10pm.

Today the dryer guys came AGAIN... and AGAIN there was a problem. It's becoming comical how this whole thing is going down. Steve finally called Five On Your Side (the news station's problem-solvers) and we're anxious to see if they contact us and do a story about our Home Despot problems... September will be 3 months since we've been here... and it's taken that long for Home Depot to bring us our dryer.... our NEW dryer that we spent a LOT of money for...

We're going to go to Outback for dinner tonight because Cathy was talking about it with Katie (her coworker) and it got her all hot and bothered... and now we have to do something about it. We've got a 6:30 reservation and she's as happy as could be.

Cathy's mom had surgery last week and she's home and doing well. There's a physical therapist coming in to work with her on mobility and moving around and even though it's painful, she's giving it her all and doing very well! Thanks for all the prayers!!

We're going down under... be back later!
Steve and Cat

Is It September Yet?

It's crazy how busy we're able to get around here.

On Tuesday, Cathy's mom Cathy went into the hospital for her hip-replacement surgery. Everything went well and she's back home now and is ready for the recovery part. It reminded Steve of his mom and all the surgeries that she had. He knows first hand how stressful it is when a parent is in the hospital. We sent her a really nice bouquet of flowers and a balloon... which she absolutely loved.

Nothing of any particular interest has happened this week at BBI. Steve is still settling and if asked to do it all again he would do it in a minute. On Wednesday, Pam Z. was in town on business and we were able to meet her for dinner at Mama Mia in Cary. She used to work with Steve at FM and we always go to her birthday karaoke parties. Anyway, she was in the Durham area and we met her for dinner and it was super nice to see a familiar face and to laugh with her.

Thursday and Friday Cathy went into work... she was technically required to go in and work. She's all prepared and excited to go back on Monday. She said that she missed her kids and will be glad to get back into the routine. She thinks she's really going to like the year round schedule... having three weeks was just about perfect for her. She tracks out again in October and hopes to get to go back to Michigan for a visit.

Last night Cathy went to a coworkers house for a "sleep-over." She wasn't going to go but decided that it'd be good to socialize with people and form better friendships. She came home today and was VERY tired but said that she had a good time. They ordered pizza, drank a little, did Dancing with Darren (he apparently has a video teaching the dance moves for Britney Spears, N'Sync and a few other has-beens). They played SCENE IT on DVD and then watched SHAG (the movie that Cathy and her mom used to always watch together).

Today we went and saw the Simpsons movie. Talk about hilarious!! We laughed and laughed throughout the whole thing. It was very funny and well worth the price to see it. Tomorrow we're planning on going to see HP and the Order of the Phoenix.

Enough for now... it's bed time.
Steve and Cat


We had such a great weekend!!

On Friday Cathy went into work to get her paycheck and ended up staying all day (and night) working on things. She had papers to grade and she did some lesson planning. She ended up coming home around 7:00 and we decided to head to Fuquay-Varina for some Mexican for dinner.

We absolutely LOVE this Mexican place. It's called El Mason and it's soooo cheap and soooo good. They have this page of combo meals and just about anything you can think of is put together into a combo for $7.25. We usually both get water so our meal with tip comes to less than $20.00. They give you free chips and salsa that's made from scratch and delicious.

After eating Mexican we have a ritual of heading over to the DQ (Dairy Queen) for some ice cream. Steve always gets a Blizzard and Cathy usually gets their chocolate covered strawberry waffle bowl sundae... but this time she decided to get a banana-split but in a cup instead of the boat. This caused a GREAT amount of confusion because they have a banana-split Blizzard... but Cathy hates Blizzards (unless it's cookies and cream) because she hates things in her ice cream (weird right).

Anyway, she didn't really get a banana-split... she got a sundae with every topping they have dumped in a cup with bananas. She kept raving about how good it was... and they put it in a 44oz cup. It was MASSIVE and only cost $3.50. Yes... we definietly made out.

On Saturday we waited around ALL DAY for the Maytag person to come with our new dryer... yes we have a dryer but we'll have to do a separate blog just about the drama with the dryer. Anyway, they NEVER came. Talk about pissing us off and wasting the entire day.

We ended up going shopping. Cathy had gone to DSW on Thursday and bought $130 worth of shoes (yes... and they were almost ALL sandals). Anyway... the one pair (cute Sketchers) gave her really bad blisters after wearing them on Friday, so we took them back to DSW on Saturday. Cathy was really good about the whole thing... and DSW refunded not only the shoes but the coupon value (she had a $30 coupon).

Then we went to Old Navy and Steve got a TON of new clothes. They had so much on sale!! He got a bunch of dressy shirts, some belts, a jacket and some shorts. He was very happy with his shopping trip!

We also went to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought some things there. On our trip we also hit Target where we bought more things for the house and some other odds and ends.

Because it was getting late, we went to one of our other favorite places to eat, the Bass Lake Draft House. They have pretty good food... it's sometimes over-priced (depending on what you get). We don't eat there very often, but it was pretty good. After dinner we walked to the coffee place and got some ice-cream.

We came home and watched The Brothers Grimm. It was very interesting... nothing like we had expected. It was good... very graphic and violent, but it was entertaining. Not something that we'd need to see again, but it wasn't bad.

Today we slept in. Steve went outside this morning and watered the lawn and talked to our neighbors. After noon we went to Lowe's for grocery shopping. That's about it for today.

We're both hoping that Cathy's mom's hip-replacement surgery goes well this week. She's going into the hospital on Tuesday and then coming home after Friday. We're praying that it's as smooth as possible and her recovery is speedy. We both wish we were home to help her and make her as comfortable as possible... but we're not able to get back. If you're reading this and you do live close to her... PLEASE stop over and see how she's doing.

Keep her in your prayers please!
Signing off..

The Walkers

Pictures from the Kenny Concert

These are some of our favorite pictures taken at the Kenny Chesney concert on Friday night! Enjoy!

Us before the concert started!

Pat Green (in gray)


Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland (she's awesome)

Kenny's banner
Kenny Chesney
More Kenny
The end of the concert...


"Cackalacky" refers to only North Carolina. NORTH Carolina. North. The Carolina north of South Carolina.

Person1: "Yo dawg, Souf Cackalacky is da SHIT!"
Person2: "I'm sorry, but I am unfamiliar with that which you are speaking, because Cackalacky refers exclusively to the Carolina that borders Virginia."
We went to the Kenny Chesney concert last night. Pat Green opened and then Sugarland played before Kenny came out. Cathy wore "irresponsible" shoes (flip-flops) that gave her a blister as we were walking from the parking lot. BAD MOVE. The place that the concert was held was VERY similar to DTE Energy Center in Michigan. We had really good seats, we paid more to not sit on the lawn. It was super hot and we were both REALLY thirsty, but we couldn't bring ourselves to pay $4.00 for water or $6.00 for soda.

We used the above word "Cackalacky" because when Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland came out to start their set, she said, "It's good to be here in Raleigh, North Cackalacky." Cathy didn't notice it until Steve played back the video he took of the opening, but Steve definitely noticed it.

The concert was excellent... it's the last bit of entertainment that we're going to have for quite some time. With two house payments and only two more pay checks from MI (Cathy is paid from Lincoln until Septembet)... the time is ticking away to where we're going to be living check to check. Especially since Cathy took quite a pay cut to come teach in NC.

Steve has been enjoying the carpooling. He only drove the Beast to work ONE day last week. In typical Steve fashion, he has an Excel spreadsheet of the data so everyone is driving the same amount and everyone is paying the same for gas. Anyway, he's happy and enjoying the ride into work and back with Christy and Beth.

We have both realized that we're not young anymore, but we're okay with that. We'd rather stay home and watch television or read a book than go out and drink. Last night we didn't get home until after midnight and we were both DEAD. We joked about how tired we were. Cathy commented about how so many at the concert were going to be going to the bar after, and she just can't picture it anymore. There was a time in her past when she probably would have been up for going out... midnight was still early to her! Not anymore... we're done with that and glad!!

We didn't do much today (Saturday)... Steve took a nap earlier in the day, which only made him crankier. He's AWFUL when he takes a nap. If you think he's cranky before a nap, you should see him after a nap. The sleep cycle makes him VERY moody and he's oh-so-pleasant to be around (lol). Cathy has her moments too, but for the most part, she just wakes up disoriented. She isn't cranky and bitchy like Steve is (yes... this is Cathy writing this). HAHAHA.

Well... enough for now. We're sure there will be something more to write this week... or not...

Steve and Cat