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We've Got A Case of the Mondays...

Well, this weekend we did get a lot done. We were able to get more boxes unpacked and now the front entrance is actually clear!! Someone called Steve about moving boxes, so her husband came yesterday to take many off our hands. This definitely helped with the clutter!

We spent time on Saturday cleaning and going through more things. When the garage opens... we both cringe. It's a total mess and stuffed FULL of all the stuff from our basement. We want to go through it all, but it's too hot to do it right now. However, we NEED to get it cleaned out so we can actually park the cars in the garage. Steve said that if we can get rid of the red furniture (that we shouldn't have even brought with us) than it'll make a BIG improvement. We'll see.

Last night Cathy made a tasty dinner! The problem was that she didn't start making dinner until 6:30 and it took almost two hours for the prep and cooking time. She made homemade mac-n-cheese that Steve gave a 8 out of 10 (based on ALL the mac-n-cheese that he's ever tasted). Then she made honey-garlic chicken. Steve gave this a 10! She even made a dipping sauce for the chicken. We didn't finish eating until after 9pm. Anyone that knows us knows that we're usually in bed by 9:30... so we got to bed on a full stomach (we try to be done eating ALL food by 7:30) and it was very late.

Tonight Cathy is making kielbasa, ranch potatoes and a veggie. Steve has been thoroughly enjoying Cathy cooking!! It's been a nice change of pace, since Steve is usually the one to cook. Cathy doesn't mind cooking, but she likes to do things her way and gets very annoyed when Steve tries to tell her how to do things, or takes over. :)

We started putting up pictures and making the house feel more like a home. It's going to take a while before it's complete... but each day gets a little better.

Off the topic... one of the neat things that we've discovered since living in NC is a beverage called Cheerwine. It's like a cherry cola... and Cathy said that it reminds her of Rock-n-Rye Faygo. It's very tasty... and only found here in NC!! When you come for a visit we'll make sure you get to taste some!!

Until next time...

The Walkers

Comments (1)

I'm so glad you guys are getting more and more settled. I know the feeling all too well! We have one bedroom right now that is the junk room, piled high with boxes!!! All of the essentials have been unpacked, but there is still a lot to do. I have someone coming today to take away a pile of empty boxes. is a great place to just get rid of things. I'm sure they have one there, it's affiliated with Yahoo Groups. Unless you want to sell something, it's a nice thing.