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Is It September Yet?

It's crazy how busy we're able to get around here.

On Tuesday, Cathy's mom Cathy went into the hospital for her hip-replacement surgery. Everything went well and she's back home now and is ready for the recovery part. It reminded Steve of his mom and all the surgeries that she had. He knows first hand how stressful it is when a parent is in the hospital. We sent her a really nice bouquet of flowers and a balloon... which she absolutely loved.

Nothing of any particular interest has happened this week at BBI. Steve is still settling and if asked to do it all again he would do it in a minute. On Wednesday, Pam Z. was in town on business and we were able to meet her for dinner at Mama Mia in Cary. She used to work with Steve at FM and we always go to her birthday karaoke parties. Anyway, she was in the Durham area and we met her for dinner and it was super nice to see a familiar face and to laugh with her.

Thursday and Friday Cathy went into work... she was technically required to go in and work. She's all prepared and excited to go back on Monday. She said that she missed her kids and will be glad to get back into the routine. She thinks she's really going to like the year round schedule... having three weeks was just about perfect for her. She tracks out again in October and hopes to get to go back to Michigan for a visit.

Last night Cathy went to a coworkers house for a "sleep-over." She wasn't going to go but decided that it'd be good to socialize with people and form better friendships. She came home today and was VERY tired but said that she had a good time. They ordered pizza, drank a little, did Dancing with Darren (he apparently has a video teaching the dance moves for Britney Spears, N'Sync and a few other has-beens). They played SCENE IT on DVD and then watched SHAG (the movie that Cathy and her mom used to always watch together).

Today we went and saw the Simpsons movie. Talk about hilarious!! We laughed and laughed throughout the whole thing. It was very funny and well worth the price to see it. Tomorrow we're planning on going to see HP and the Order of the Phoenix.

Enough for now... it's bed time.
Steve and Cat

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