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Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Today is a very sad day in our house. Cathy had to take our oldest kitty, Mindy Jo, to the vet this morning. For a while now, Mindy has been losing weight and not really eating. She's an older cat, and has been in Steve's life since he was in college at UD.

Mindy has had some problems with her kidneys and thyroid and was on medication twice a day. Lately, she got to the point that she wouldn't take her medicine, and started to refuse food. While very sick, she still purred and was as vocal as ever.

Cathy took Mindy to the vet this morning and they basically said that the most humane thing to do would be to let her go to a better place. It was a heartbreaking decision, but one made out of love and compassion. Mindy was a wonderful cat and loved Steve more than anyone on the planet. She was "his cat" and he was "her person." They shared a love that radiated throughout the house and it was always a pleasure to watch them interact with each other.

At 11:30am Mindy passed on to a place where she is joined by Bob and Tommy. We are sure that the three of them are playing together and are as youthful as kittens. All three passed from illness and left our family too soon.

While we cannot say that losing a pet is as devistating as losing a child, we can say that it hurts and is painful. There's a hole in our family that cannot be replaced. Mindy was loud, bitchy, and stubborn, but she was a beautiful friend and brought so much love and comfort to Steve throughout her 14 years as his kitty.

We came to North Carolina in June of 2007 and brought with us six cats, a dog, and a tortoise. We lost Bob is September of 2007, then lost Tommy this past February, and then took Hurmin to Cathy's parent's house in April of 2010. We then gained our puppy Elphaba in May of this year, and now we've lost Mindy. That leaves us with Toebe, Eddie, Elphie and Ned.

-The Walkers 

Comments (1)

I am so sorry. They are an important part of our lives.
thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
take care